Media Appearances

My first podcast appearance on the New Hampshire Business Show for New England Marketing & Efficiency
Media Content
I create media content for projects and industries I work in and am passionate about. This includes small business, finance, labor, manufacturing, environment. I also take photos and video for a very attractive price – Hire a Photographer in Southern New Hampshire

Written Content
I have been writing for over a decade, mostly on personal projects, but also commercial work such as Search Engine Optimization and Sales Copy.
Some of my projects include www.EmissionsTax.org and www.ScrubMoney.com
Recently, I have started writing Opinion and Editorials about society and small business (on Medium). Here is some of my favorite Commercial Work:
How to Grow Your Landscaping Business – PanelMason
3d Printing Filament Trends: Present & Future – 3Devo
Homeless congregate on Elm Street, Manchester Police hands tied – Manchester Ink Link
No, A Carbon Tax Won’t Save the Environment – EmissionsTax
We Need Kings of Hills, Not a King of the Mountain
Commercials I Have Produced/ Written
SatHookup Commercial
This is the one that started it all..
This first commercial I produced and marketed has received over 120,000 organic views in it’s 3 versions. SatHookup is a TV, Internet, Phone and Electronics Installation Network with over 500 independent installers that I founded. Still operational, we advertise for laborers and have garnered over 25k customers over the years.
I wrote, shot and edited this clever commercial for a prior employer, EcoSource, a regional Commercial Cleaning Company servicing Southern, NH to Boston, MA. This commercial was made to highlight an employee sick cost calculator that I produced, and has garnered over 50,000 views to date. Designed and implemented marketing plan - Google Adwords Certified. Organic and paid search traffic generation.
Product Review Videos
Informational Videos/Press Releases
Social & Legal Issues
EmissionsTax / Incentives and the Environment Book
I wrote a book called "Incentives and the Environment" and have self-published it here. To promote it, I'm working on promotional videos and this is where I'm at currently:
You can also read parts of this groundbreaking and thought provoking book about the environment and economic incentives in parts for free.
Prixie Pets
I love cats and so does my Fiancée, so we started working on Prixie Pets, a Cat and Dog Care Tips website. Along with building the site, I came up with content ideas with Erica, edited that content, devised and executed the marketing efforts, and produced all of the videos on our YouTube channel. We are about to hit 500k views.
PrixiePets.com is an example of a "Social Media Content Marketing Site", one that any brand should have. It is made to be shareable, and in it's best month, received over 80,000 visits.
I can build one of these for your small business or project, and have a network of distribution to help get it off the ground cost effectively. All you have to do is Hire Me.
Music/Sound/Audio Production
Tangeray Music - Piece of Ship
In 2013, I released an instrumental album called "Piece of Ship". I didn't do much promotion, but still I'm proud. I have future plans for an animated movie like the "The Wall" and already have a story board. I also release an occasional beat or throw on one of my video projects - you can see on my Tangeray Music YouTube page. Never give up your dreams. Sometimes, you are just ahead of your time, or aren't in the right position to get your sound to your audience.
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